About Us
Sometimes there is no way around it. After drinking too many cups of coffee and falling into a state of delirium at two in the morning, you decide to start an internet business. I guess Bill Murray and Iggy were right, coffee does cause delirium.
Why pugs you ask? Why not? Look at them, PUGLY as can be. I guess that I found some kind of existential recognition in their condition, with that face only a mother could love. I must have seen some part of myself in their awkwardness. Plus I have always loved puns and dad jokes, so why not combine the two?
It is my hope that you will also find some joy, and meaning (I mean memeing!) in our products. I guess the point is, that If I didn’t do it, someone else would. I also believe in the power of the t-shirt as a vehicle for self-expression, identity and rebellion. I was once a young art school student, who lived of the meager proceeds of shirts like these.
And if you are wondering which is our favorite item, check our our ‘PUGLY’ in Indigo. Although, it was originally designed for a black tee.
Anyways, Please have a look around! We have many more ideas for designs and will be adding weekly. Sign up for our coupons and newsletter on our contact us page.